Kesaksamaan untuk veteran PJM

Kami berkhidmat dizaman darurat
Ramai dah terkorban ramai yang cacat
Memanjang stand-by tak kering keringat
Nak tentukan negara aman selamat

In emergency years our service were devoted
Many perished and and many were wounded
Constantly on stand by though we were tired
To ensure the country peaceful and protected

Naik bukit mencanak canak
Pakaian rabak tersangkut onak
Pek pula berat bagai nak rak
Silap langkah booby trap dipijak

Huffing, puffing scaling hills and mounts
Uniforms being ripped by barbs and thorns
Overwhelmed with backpack of excessive pounds
Wrong step you’ll be hit by booby traps on the ground

Sebulan dikem tiga bulan dihutan
Anak membesar tanpa perhatian
Diarah berjuang mempertahan watan
Malangnya semua dah diluar ingatan

One month in the camp three months in operation
Children were growing without our attention
We were entrusted to protect the nation
Unfortunately now it’s conveniently forgotten

Ini bukan untuk mengungkit
Cuma nak cerita seksa dan sakit
Veteran lama yang pencen sedikit
Yang semakin tua dan hidup sempit

It is not our intention to grumpily complain
But to narrate our suffering and pain
Our pension is small and miserly plain
As we grow old and helplessly in vain

Kami memohon pencen disetara
Dengan mereka yang baru bersara
Deritanya kami yang lain tak merasa
Sedangkan pencen rendah tak seberapa

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